A Piece of Validation For Truth Seekers and Inner Journey-ists

This piece is written for those that value the journey within as vital, if not primary to well-being. Meaning, you’re clear that the answers lie within. And you’re clear that the truth of life, that what makes life deeply satisfying, is not in the achievement of goals or gaining of status. That ego-games are your main roadblock to happiness. Not your “shitty boss” or your lack of wealth. I trust that you, reading this, is fully aware of what I’m talking about.

That you’re privy the likes of Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now” or texts like “A Course In Miracles.”

That you’re clear that the messages of Jesus, Buddha, and Eckhart revolve around a unified intention.

That it is not attachment to the messenger, but rather the understanding of the message itself. Or a knowing of it.

In any case, you’re aware that there is a possibility of truth, love, and inner peace through consciousness.

And although there are SO many other ways, books, practices, and teachers that lead us to the Inner Goal, you’re here because, well, part of your journey is to be here for this message. And, whatever it is you get from reading it. Whatever that may be.

Here it is.

You’re on the right path. All you know makes sense. The dots you’ve connected are indeed dots connected. Sure, you can read this and your ego could inflate itself. And, I trust that your inner spirit, your wisdom, is also listening regardless of what consciousness you come to this blog post in.

The purpose of this post is to let you know that what you’re doing, where you’re at, and what you’re up to is all correct. And that you are lucky. Or rather, I commend you. I commend you for asking tough questions in search for tough answers. Tough because these answers are not as easy to grasp.

I mean, it could be easy for you, and that’s a blessing too.

Point is, I commend you. It’s just not easy.

Yet…as I’m sure you’d agree, the Inner Journey-ist would have it no other way. For what other way is there?

The Inner Journey is All We Know.

The Beautiful Roar of Inspired Joy

There’s something about a crowd of people roaring with celebration that gives me goosebumps and has me shed a tear. I don’t know if this is normal for people, but I find myself very in-tune with the energy of my environment.

If people are angry I can feel it. REALLY feel it. If people are happy, I can feel it. REALLY feel it. At times it gets to the point where it’s too much for me to be with and I must leave. I sincerely believe all of us can relate to this to varying degrees.

For me, seeing a large crowd of people joining together for a cause, and winning, gives me deep fulfillment. Even writing about it makes me want to cry. I feel it has to do with the release of tension of wanting something so badly, and to hear the sense of overcome required to get there.

That with every giant win are tons of small losses and defeats. Of suffering and hurt. Of overwhelming circumstance and challenge. And the success felt at the end of the road is a reward long-desired, and well deserved. A war won. A victory earned. Not through entitlement, but through trekking a long, chosen journey.

Like a person lost in a maze, who finally sees light at the end of the tunnel.

Like a person surviving on an island whos rescue ship is now in sight at the edge of the ocean line.

Like a baseball team whose long season is 1 strike away from a championship victory.

It’s a feeling of completion. A completion that could only really be felt once completed. A goal achieved. A dream realized. A desire fulfilled.

And I guess, that’s really what I live for. Not necessarily the achievement of things. But the feeling of completed journeys. Difficult ones. Challenging ones. Ones that stress the mind, body, and soul. Only for the purpose of growth and understanding.

Not for the acceptance of others. Or the approval of others. But instead for the feeling of choosing to go somewhere and getting there.

Whether it be a physical destination (which…I guess all goals really are), or a spiritual one.

My itch is taking on challenging journeys.

The scratch is completing them.

Hm. I love it.