What is Life Coaching?

We all have goals, dreams and aspirations. Life Coaching is a service specifically dedicated to empower a person in making those goals, dreams, and aspirations a reality. A person hires a coach not because they're inadequate or need fixing. A person hires a coach to enhance their skills and natural abilities, ultimately to achieve some kind of goal. 

As with sports, to perform at a higher level athletes hire a coach. Singers hire a singing coach. Dancers hire a dancing coach. Even CEOs and other business heads hire a business coach. 

A life coach is there to enhance your performance in life. The tools of a basketball player is their shot and footwork, as well as their mindset and emotional management. The tools of a human being (player) is their ability to get things done, as well as their mindset, emotions, and spirit. With a coach, the intention is that your potential is actualized through the process of learning, training, and applying. 

The trademark of a successful coach is that he is able to empower his players to perform at a high level and win the championship. Here's the thing, the coach himself may have never won a championship in his day as a player. But, if he's an outstanding coach, he can coach his players to become champions.

Point is that what makes a championship level coach has nothing to do with what makes the player a champion. Meaning, if a player's goal is to win a championship, he can win one with a coach who's never won a championship. And vice versa, a coach who has won champions on his own can fail to coach a player to win a championship.

In your case, you are the player and I am the coach. The question is, can we win a championship together? 

I have a specific coaching process, philosophy, and style. As do you. Your goal is to win a championship. My goal is to win a championship. My championship is defined by you getting your championship. Meaning, your goal is my goal, and my goal is your goal (literally).

All it comes down to is if we fit. 

My personal style of coaching is a mix of intuitive listening, identifying your energy level, discovering the stories that hold you back, empowering you with skills and tools to transform any limiting beliefs/identities into positive ones, and ultimately to have you be unleashed as a human being and in full control of your life.

The ultimate goal is to have you live in the experience as the creator of your life. That your life, on a daily basis, as well as in the future, are a constant creation from you. If your day is going shitty, it's not because of the shitty world or situation you're in, it's because you're creating it to be shitty. Similarly, if your day is awesome, phenomenal, fulfilling, it's because you made it that way. 

I am here to coach people to live their best life. Both on a material level and on a inner fulfillment level. 

You get the money, relationships, and toys that you want.

You also have the moment to moment joy and fulfillment of your life, irregardless of what the results are. 

Inner and Outer Mastery. That's the name of the game. 

Like I said, the question is: Do we fit? Does the chemistry work? Am I the Phil Jackson to your Kobe? 

Only way to know is to try. 

The reality is that I'm not the right coach for everyone. And not everyone is the right client for me.

The best way is to try it out. 

BUT, in my experience, FREE doesn't allow for both parties to play at a high level. There's not enough skin in the game.

The deal is to put up a $100 for 4 weeks of coaching. 

If by the end of the 4 weeks the results or the experience is not 100% satisfied by both the coach or the client, then the $100 is refunded. If and ONLY if both parties are fully satisfied with the experience of working together and the results achieved, will the $100 be kept and a contract for long-term coaching be discussed. 

I am not here to take your money. I only want your money if (1) it is exchanged for the value you perceive it is worth paying and (2) I am fulfilled by working with you. If the chemistry between coach and client is not fit, then I believe there should be no exchange of money at all. 

The reality is that I want clients who would prioritize paying $100 a month for coaching (or more) in sacrifice of going to the movies, or buying that extra thing, or eating out 10 times a month. If you're someone who doesn't see the value in coaching, and sees it as an investment toward being able to afford way more than $100/month for coaching, then you are NOT the player for me - outright. 

I am looking for people who dream big, play big, and create big results. As such, those people pay big in order to grow big. If you're looking for a Don Mattingly, look elsewhere. If you're looking for Dave Roberts. I'm right here.